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Selasa, 22 Februari 2011

[Free Stlye] Score Hack Cheat nih..

Diposting oleh W Ï-êë M ß-åä di 01.14
Ane mo little science bagi2 gan,,, I think it's still easy basic alias cheat really in the world (his world there emang ya? ^ ^ A) ...
Direct aja nih ...

Who must be prepared ..

-Memory Hacking Software (any kind of slama g kedetek HS)
Software-Packet Editor (what in the case of gw aja deh, gw pake # # E)
-Bit logic
-Patience (connect the main entrance masi rada bit so hard)
Must master loh-room

direct entry aja,, click quick start let cepet ... kl dah start game buru2 fsnya target ..
pake record # # E. .. n try to scan incoming kl pake Mhsnya (g must)

kalo lo lgsung enter a stop on his # # E

1-look for the most deket2 address below in the packet receive .... well .. at first ... lgsung Simpen in notepad aja ato .. what will make the filter inserted k <<<make step6 inserted in the "search" .. (gw g tau can give sizenya because berubah2)
2-look for the same value to the team score lo ((pas lo enter the ball, kl can cepet Prev score change <<an important part))
3-ready to record again use # # Enya
4-fit value already in Mhsnya lgsung ktmu change smua aja k 99 <<(before amended recorded dlu, kl've changed lgsung stop)
5-search at # # Enya packet2 sizenya same reply, now usually reply difference between deket2 distinguished packetnya same size lo catet it again in notepad <<make step6 inserted in the "modify" ..
6-nah selese,, lo enter the filter,, add in the "search" of his distinguished dicatet Copas in Step1 above,, who in "modify" Copas from step5
7-ilangin smua check on the "send, sendto" sisain who stay checked>> "recv, recvfrom "<<.. push ok
8-click "on"


Here his SS


once lo dapet-ing score 99 points ....

Temen se-if you can team ngulur time we make a scan,,
Cheatnya-not too much,,,,
-Do not share sloppily, because this first share stau gw nih yg laen forum there blm [[GOOD Ane BENER]]


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